Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Week whatever

I am a part of the 2015-2016 class now, so I just though that saying it would be necessary.

Also, Wawor's wittle hed iz aw shook up, sow be qwuiet you wittle fwench fwies.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Week 19 Tarantula


I am a 19 yr. old from Bulgaria.
Family was eaten by giant tarantula on Greek border.
Please send money to me and I will pay you back in the next month-year.

Also missed Christmas, so here is a "festive" picture.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Crit My Kit


This is my all-too-accurate representation of my art teacher. I like it because it is bad. Bad is good by transitive property. Could be better like, everywhere.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Iron my Cloth-s

Why do we iron clothes? Why do people say Eye-Ron? Why is it called ironing? Why is it called a clothes iron? Because it is iron? These are the only questions in life that matter.

Also? Extreme ironing? Seriously? Why? That is like me making a sport where people rush on a down a field to deposit their paycheck into their bank accounts.